Swanzy 20/20 Vision

The mantra we have heard concerning this new year/decade is “20/20 vision.” People are proclaiming and manifesting the desires of their heart and vision for this new decade. However, what exactly does it mean to have “20/20 vision?” It is a term used to express normal visual acuity, the clarity or sharpness of vision. We are entering the new year with clear vision. We have created our vision boards, wrote down our goals, strategized how we are going to achieve them. 

    Since this is swaNzy’s first blog post, it is imperative that we share our vision with you. Our vision is to create and share stories that leave notable impacts all over the world! How do we plan on accomplishing that? By producing media content, films, series, and podcasts that tell real stories by real people. We also sell merchandise that serves as a physical reminder for people to live notably no matter where their journey takes them. Also, by creating safe havens, schools and homes, in impoverished areas that provide stability and vocational education to our youth. My personal favorite part about our company is that we get to travel the world with our partner, “WorldWideWhit,” who shows young adults how to travel the world inexpensively. What better way to leave our notable footprint than going out there and doing it? swAnzy’s core values are relatability, authenticity, value, and accessibility. By showcasing young creatives and adults who are making strides to leave their mark, our audience can see that they too can start! 

20/20 vision doesn’t mean that you have perfect vision, but it means that you can see clearly. You have analyzed yourself and your dreams and figured out which path you want to endure to make sure you make it to the other side. It begins with setting practical and S.M.A.R.T. goals. Are your goals specific? Can they be measured? Is it achievable with the right resources? Is it relevant? Have you given yourself a timeline? Yes, I just took us back to middle school. Take the time to analyze your goals to make sure that you are taking the proper steps to achieve them. I will share with you swaNzy’s S.M.A.R.T goals for the year below: 

S- To launch our website, keep up with maintenance and blog posts, launch merchandise, host a travel group to 3 different countries, provide educational courses. 

M- Yes, they are. Sales, registration, and engagement will help us analyze data. Don’t be afraid to engage with us!! 

A- Very achievable with the support of our audience. 

R- Yes. 

T- By December 2020

     However, remember that even people with 20/20 vision still get check-ups from their eye doctor. Whenever you are facing confusion, anxiety, stress, or frustration during your journey always remember to keep going. In order to get to 10, you must start at 1. If you quit you will have to leave 3 to go back to 1 and start all over again. That doesn’t make much sense to do, does it? The process begins by just starting. It’s alright to take a break and regroup, but make sure to keep on going. I struggled with inconsistency for years. I would create all of these goals, come up with all of these new ideas and even begin them, but I never completed anything. My vision was hazy, because I did not understand my purpose and my end goals. Once, I was able to see things clearly I was able to develop and launch Swanzy. 

    I still don’t have everything figured out. There is still A LOT I have to learn. There will be times where I fail, but since I have 20/20 vision I won’t quit. This company isn’t just for my family and I, but for millions of people all over the world. It is a chance to see how an African-American woman, born to Ghana natives, without a clue how to make it in this industry, beat all the odds and started a successful powerhouse conglomerate. 

I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to read this, explore our website, share our content, purchase merch, etc!! The smallest things mean the world to me. I pray this company grows into something notable and extraordinary that generations to come will benefit from it. God bless you abundantly, 


CEO Whitney Gambrah